Good Bye to Authorware
Adobe has planned to discontinue Authorware which has been one of the earlier CBT development tools. It will continue selling Authorware 7 and provide support for that version!

However, there are other excellent CBT development tools such as Captivate, Flash, Dreamweaver. Looks like the industry is going in the direction of the demand!
From Adobe:
According to a recent survey by the eLearning Guild, most of the top tools currently used by eLearning professionals come from Adobe. These include Adobe Captivate®, Flash®, Acrobat Connect™ and Dreamweaver® software. As eLearning continues to shift from a static “Web 1.0” style publishing paradigm toward a “Web 2.0” style connected ecosystem, additional Adobe products such as Adobe® Acrobat®, Flex™, Adobe Photoshop® Elements, Director® and Flash® Lite™, as well as rapid eLearning tools such as Adobe Captivate®, Acrobat Connect™, Adobe Presenter™ and Contribute® software will enable learners to engage with ideas and information, anytime, anywhere, and on virtually any device.